---à This is my second time having you Mr. Pinto as a teacher. Last quarter you had very high expectations for me and I ended up getting a B in the class. I told my self this time I was not going to let that happen I was going to try my best and not let my self or you down as a teacher. I though this class was a lot of work but also a lot of fun at the same time. This is one of the only classes that you can have so much work and enjoy the work that you are doing. There is a lot to cover in this class and we did it all very well. I thought that the final project in this class was very interesting and it really made us all think as students. It was something that I was not ready for, but I feel that I did a great job at. Also being in class with a lot of fashion students I think made the class go by swift and easy. We all had many times that we were all on the same page and all related to the things we were working on very well. I feel that I learned a lot in this class this quarter like I have in the past in your classes. I feel that I held up my end of the bargain and I feel that I did a lot better this time then last time and I deserve an A.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Analysis of Project in the Real World
I really don’t know why selling this product to adults would be hard. These candies are something that everyone can enjoy and want to eat. Especially me. “Two to three seconds is all someone will give to a print advertisement.” Advertise By Design Robin Landa Page 208. That is why it has to be a really good product that someone is really going to enjoy. The way that I am looking at this is that its only candy and who does not like candy. “Advertising communication depends on a synergy of visual and verbal components. In other words the visual verbal ad equation is 1 plus 1 is 3.” Advertise By Design Robin Landa Page 208. Everyone wants to be able to relate something to his or her own life and really think that this is a candy or product that you can do that with. Everyone likes the movies and to sit at home and relax and this candy you can take and eat anywhere. “ A common decision a designer faces is whether or not to use a visual as it.” Advertise By Design Robin Lana Page 138. I really don’t see how anyone could not want to use visual as it. The reason I say that is because like I said before the person seeing the ad or what they are looking at need to relate it to his or her self. “To create something fresh, you need to know what has already been done.” Advertising By Design Robin Lana Page 104. The thing that makes the product so great that I chose is that I already love it. I go to Target and buy it all the time. Even though it is not a candy that usually adults would buy I still love it. I have said many ways why this candy would do great in the real world. Sour Patch Kids got me to love them and I think that I can get a lot more people my age to love them too.
When thinking about promotion how am I going to sell this product to the public to the age of people that I am trying to sell it too? “Throughout the life of a campaign, which can run for a short or long period of time, you create and maintain a visual look or framework.” Advertising by Design Robin Landa Page 198. Since I am doing a magazine ad I think that the best places to sell my product would be a men’s magazine. The main ones that I want to use would be Motor Trend and Car and Driver. But any kind of sport magazine would work really well to. That is why I would also put it in ESPN and Sports Illustrated. “ The problem is the solution. At times there are products with features that may be perceived as disadvantages.” Advertising by Design Robin Landa Page 82. I know that my ad is very different from what you think it should be but this is what I think would sell the most. “ These ads can work for a variety of reason. One reason is the element of surprise.” Advertising by Design Robin Landa Page 121. There is not one person that sees my ad and will think that it is normal and that is why my product will sell. “ The form of design should be appropriate for the content, the message, and the story or theme.” Advertising by Design Robin Landa Page 121. The dising of my product was very though out and like I said I really think that putting it in men’s magazines would be the best place for them to go. That is where my sour patch kids would sell.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Week Nine EOC: For Those Who Think Young
What is the big deal about being young in the US? Everything in every TV ad and every magazine ad is all about being young. We need to be hip and wear young clothing that young new designers need to make. We need to still party at age 40 so we can still fell 21. Why do people always say that 40 is the new 30 or 50 is the new 40. It’s all because no one wants to get old. No one wants to feel like they are going out of style or getting older. Especially in this county we have so many things that make you look young again. I don’t think that there is anything wrong with being young no one wants to feel old. Everyone thinks about when they get old that they are going to die. A lot of people think that if you look young on the outside then you feel young on the inside. It’s all about buying that sports car when you turn 50 so you can feel like a teenager all over again. I don’t think that there is anything wrong with this. There is nothing wrong with wanting to live your life to the fullest. Some people want to be really successful at a really young age so they can take the rest of their life and just enjoy it. The real question is who would not want to be young forever. You look you’re best you feel your best and you really have nothing to worry about if you don’t get old. Americans associate old with being put in a home and forgetting what you life was about. No one would ever want that. Being young is a great feeling!
The Big Idea
Since the type of customers that I am trying to sell to are men ages 18 to 30, I have to come up with something that men can pay attention to. Something that men can find themselves doing, is the best way to relate to men. Men are some of the hardest people to advertise for since most of men out there don’t buy stuff for themselves. “A creative approach is a master general structure that also can be seen as a mode or method of presentation or an underlying schema or framework.” Advertising By Design Robin Landa page 106. Like the quote says there has to be something creative especially for men between ages 18 to 30. “From the hoots and hollers in Shakespeare’s time, to the dancing and singing at music concerts, to interactive science museums, audiences like to participate.” Advertising By Design Robin Landa Page 110. Making someone see something that they feel that they are actually apart of. Showing someone something that they need not just something that they want. “Storytelling is a narrative format in which a tale is told to an audience utilizing voice, gesture, and/or imagery; we have the story, the teller, and the listeners.” Advertising By Design Robin Lana Page 117. I think that telling a story is the best way for a man to interact with what I am trying to sell. Like the old saying goes. A picture says a thousand words. " A creative approach is a master general structure that also can be seen as a mode or method of presentation or an underlying schema or framework. Advertise By Design Robin Lana Page 156. All someone needs is a great idea and the rest will follow.
Week 9 BOC: Frank O'Hara
I really don't know what he is talking about, but I thik it has to deal with something between his mother and father. It sounds like his mother and father are divoced and he is reaqlly hurting on the inside and he does not know what to do about it. As I read it a second time then it could have something to do with his singnificant other. The poem has something to do with someone being lost, and the person in the poem really wants them back. It sounds like they dont know how to handle themselves with out this other peron being in their life. I can see how this can be relavant today, but it is not relavant to me. I dont get this attacvhed to anything just incase you ever loose something. I like to be more strong willed and be able to move on if something goes wrong in my life. If the poem is talking about lose then there is not a time period where it can not relate to someone or somethg.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Fonts And Slogans
Who said rainbow candies can’t be manly
Who said rainbow candies can’t be manly
Who said rainbow candies can’t be manly
Who said rainbow candies can’t be manly
Who said rainbow candies can’t be manly
Who said rainbow candies can’t be manly
Who said rainbow candies can’t be manly
Who said rainbow candies can’t be manly
Who said rainbow candies can’t be manly
Who said rainbow candies can’t be manly
Competitive analyses
Looking at all of my different competitors none of them try to sell to adults. It’s always about being happy and young and saying you can only be a kid and enjoy certain candies. "People usually don't say I don't want to be more creative." Advertise By Design Robin Landa Page 32. Just because a certain candy is the color of the rainbow does not mean that an adult cannot like them or fell weird when they eat them. Most all of my competitors are ok with who they sell to they are not trying to expand on their target market, maybe because they don’t think that they can. " It can be useful to first break the object down into constituent parts and examine the attributes of each part." Advertise By Design Robin Landa Page 38. My competitors draw in their competition by having ads that totally only appeal to kids. The type of kid that ask their mom standing in line at the store if they can have this type of candy. What if you were that dad that bought it because you like it. " Emotional benefit an intangible asset based on feelings not on a functional characteristic of a product or service." Advertise By Design Robin Landa Page 50. This is what my competitor has and I need to get it from them.
This is one of my compeditors ads and all it shows is the color that it is not show who it is for. The type of colors and product that needs to show who they want to sell their product to. "Fully understanding the strategy and the competition before conceptual design is critical." Advertising By Design, Robin Landa Page 72. This is where my product is going to excel becaue not only do I sell to kids, but I sell to men too!
Sour Patch Kids: Who said rainbow candies can’t be manly
My slogan is very different. I am selling a young fun candy to men. My slogan is telling men that even though the candies are these little kids that are in a rainbow color it should not matter what you like as long as you like them. Men should still be able to do what they want to do. My slogan says that men can still be man and eat these candies. “Creative thinking is the ability to stretch beyond the ordinary, to be original, innovative, and flexible.” Advertising by Design, Robin Landa Pg.32. Like the book says selling something to someone that usually does not eat the product you’re trying to sell. I have to put my self in that position to where I would be the one that is enjoying the candy. "During the first stage, you most likely were taught to ask six essential questions intended to help you flesh out your thinking." Advertise By Design Robin Landa Page 64. A slogan needs to be something that jumps out at the person you are trying to sell to. It is something that people talk about and you don’t want them to forget when they hear it. “Not only does branding identify and distinguish, it builds equity.” Advertising by Design, Robin Landa pg.49. Having something that people can remember for a very long time like Nike Just Do It! That is how someone gets on top, you just have to figure out where they came up with it and how you can come up with your own. " Finding a relevant insight into how people think, what they need or desire, and how they act termed a consumer insight is paramount for idea generation." Advertise By Design, Robin Landa Page. 68. This is what I have when I think of my product. Something that everyone will understand.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Week 7: The pitch
I am selling Sour Patch Kids to a 20 to 27 year old guy. I am going to sell them on how amazing they taste and how you don’t have to feel like a kid when you eat them. You can bring back the kid inside you when you use to love sour sweet things and did not care about what they were. Talking about how you don’t have to be empresses by eating a kid’s candy. You can be the man that you want to be and you should not care what other people think of you. You can drive a fast muscle car and still enjoy your sour patch kids. No matter what you are doing or no matter where you are you can always enjoy sour patch kids. The color of them and the color of the bag should not matter to a guy that does not care what other people think. The comercial that i am going to do for this product is have me working on my car all greasy and have Sour Patch kids all over my motor and I am eating them wheile i work on my car!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
EOC Week 6: Chim chim cheree
Fluoristan-Crest toothpaste
GL-70- Gleem Toothpaste
Dermasil Skin- Care Lotion
Lanolin wave- Hair Lotion
Boo-boop- Shaver
Tufsyn- Goodyear Tires Rubber
Retsyn Type of mints
Acrylan- type of yarn
Marfac - Marine facility/ or Texaco ad gas
Melmac Brand of dinner ware
Orlon- DuPont/ yarn
Korlan - Type of tree that grows fruit
Accutron- A type of Watch
Teflon- A type of tape/pan
Ban-Lon- A type of shirt
Blue Magic whitener- Soap or detergent
Fastback- Car, Mustang
Wide-Track Type of racing tire
Autronic Eye- Light dimmer unit for GM
Platformate- Type of fule additive
it goes two miles more- Supper Shell
Nasograph- Type of Mirror
Naugahyde- Vinal
The giant who lives in my washing machine- Wilson Electronics
jolly and green- Green Beans
tiger who causes my gas tank to flood- Esso gas company
handsome white knight- Mascote for cleaning prduct
man with the eyepatch- Hathaway shirts
that nut who flies into the front seat for Hertz- Rent a Car
Week 6 EOC: Sell A Car
2011 Porsche 911 Turbo S
I am not talking about a 911 or a Boxter. I am talking about a 911 Turbo S. A 532hp AWD monster. A car that rockets from 0-60 in just 3.0 seconds and does the quarter mile in 11.00 flat of the show room floor. Want to be guys that drive Ferrari say Porsches are a dime a dozen. The man who drives the Turbo S, knows that their Porsche is one of a kind and can blow the doors or any cute little red Ferrari. The idea of a this car is you knowing what you have and that’s why you buy it. For what it does for you, not what it does for other people. Porsche Turbo S. The man’s sports car. Ferraris are for women that can’t drive stick!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Week Five EOC: Super Bowl Ads Good and Bad
The first ad that I chose to do has to be my favorite ad of this years super bowl. It was the darth vader VW ad. I have not seen this great of an ad in a long time. Who this ad is about is a new VW car. What the ad is about is the new Passat. Where it is its at a family’s home. When is the ad during the day when the dad gets off work. Why. This as is showing how much a family car VW is and how happy it can make your family. How, again the ad shows how the new Passat is that much better then the old one and is does it in a very cute way!
The second ad that I chose for sure had to be the Go Daddy at. The ad talks about the new Go Daddy girl and is talks up this amazing person then it ends up being Joan Rivers. The only thing that was good about this ad was that it was funny. It had nothing to do with the Go Daddy company at all. It was just A way for people to get a laugh out of Joan Rivers. Still to this day I really don’t know what Go Daddy does just that they have a girl race car driver as their main focus. The ads don’t amuse me so I have never gone or wanted to check. If they have a hot girl and it doesn’t want me to find out more about the product they are doing something wrong.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Week Four EOC: Bob Isherwood
Bob Isherwood was born in Melbourne Australia. From what I have read he is a very crative style business man. He dropped out of school at age 13 and, it says he became a mechanic which he always hated. The first part that I read about him compared him to Steve Jobs the CEO of Apple. He is the type of guy that wears black shirts and blue jeans because he can. He is the old creative director at Saatchi and Saatchi from 1996 to November 2008. “Mr. Isherwood, who numbers the creation of the Saatchi & Saatchi New Directors' Showcase and the Award for World Changing Ideas among his achievements, said he does not know exactly what the next chapter will be. "I have an idea for something for President-elect Obama, plus there are lots of opportunities I can see on the client side of our business where creativity can play a key role, particularly in this current economic climate," http://creativity-online.com/news/bob-isherwood-leaves-saatchi/132362. After reading more and more and reading some of his quotes about who Mr. Isherwood is I can totally tell that he is a very creative and open minded man. “But people close to Isherwood said that for some time now he has been antsy and niggled by a feeling that he needed to do something new. "For the past 12 years I've been focused on the reinvention of Saatchi & Saatchi," he told Ad Age from his home in Miami. "Now I've reached a point where I feel a need to reinvent myself." http://creativity-online.com/news/bob-isherwood-leaves-saatchi/132362. This is a perfect example of what I was saying. Mr. Isherwood is at the tip of his game and he still believes that he has to reinvent himself. That is because he is one of those people that will keep up with the times and will always be new and not old.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
EOC Week Three: Tobacco

The picture that I chose shows a pretty women that is getting ready to smoke her cigarette. The cigarette that she is going to smoke is a brand called misty. When you look at the ad it seems that she is out somewhere where it is really misty so she is going to smoke the brand misty. The setting is that she is outside and it is a really big close up on her face and she is getting ready to smoke. The people in the groups are young women and mature women that would want to smoke. When I first saw this ad it tells me that if you are a classy women then this is the brand that you should smoke. The goals of this ad are very simple. It is to get women to smoke this misty cigarette because it makes this very pretty women look even better. The assumptions are the same as who they want to have smoked it. This ad is directed right to women. I really can’t see any thing wrong in this ad. I can see how some people might not find it appealing, but I don’t have a problem with it at all. I think it was a very well thought up ad. The outcome to this ad is that they are going to get more women to smoke this type of cigarette because smoking a men’s brand is just not cool. Or not sexy.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Week 2 EOC: Three Ethical Questions
The First ad that I saw I had to use. It is an old saying that men have many other interest in life then I the women that they are with. I this particular ad as you can see it look like they are about to have sex and she is laying on her back like wanting him to do something and he is looking at her body, and it has a picture of a BMW car on her face. The first thing that game to mind when I saw this ad was the old saying if she is not cute just put a bag over her head. Funny but not very nice.
The second ad that I saw was really crazy as well. It is a picture of two girls, and it looks like they are at a club. There is a white dress on the table and they are pretending to snort it like it’s a drug. Then on the side is says fashion junkie. I totally understand what they are trying to say. Women like to buy a lot great clothing a look great. I just don’t think that you need to show it by doing drugs.
The last one that I chose when I first saw it I could not help my self but laugh. I think that there is a time and place for this ad to be. I would not put it in 17 mag or something like that, but even though I really think this ad is great I can see how some women might not like it. I think that there is a time and place for all the ads that I chose as long as the right people see them.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Week 2 BOC: About Me
I am in the field of fashion retail management. The reason that I have chose this field is because, if you think about it this is a field that is always going to be around. We are always going to need cloths. From when I was a little kid I have always liked to go to church because I knew that I was able to wear my suit that day. I was never a kid that did not like to dress up or did not like to go shopping. There is just something about putting on great clothing and the way that it makes you feel. Some of the best artist of my time are people that design cloths today for example Valetino, Karla Lagerfeld, Tom Ford and Ralph Lauren. The one main reason that I love working in the retail industry is because it is never the same. You always run into something different everyday because every person’s style is different, I am her to help them find it. I currently work in my industry, at Oakley. Before I got a job at Oakley I have always worked at high-end fashion houses for example Ralph Lauren. When I moved to Las Vegas it was time for me to get away from the field that I was use to and learn as much as I can about a totally different kind of selling. I go from selling shirts and pants to selling sunglasses. After working for Oakley for a year I have totally come to realize that it does not matter where I work at or what I sell, I just love selling a product and making the customer happy when they leave my store.
Week One EOC: VW Lemon
The hard thing about this ad was also the amazing thing about this ad. Everyone at that time was talking about bigger and bigger cars because of the baby boomers that were coming into the world. Everyone had these huge massive cars because that’s what Detroit was making at the time. There was no need for a small car from Germany that was made by the Nazis. WW2 just being over this was going to be a really hard car to sell. They marketed this car just how they should have done it. They said what it was and the things that are wrong with it. They went through how it was made and what was done to the car and what the things that could go wrong and they told you what they were. There was no other car company that told you what could go wrong with the car and what they would do to fix it. VW was doing something that would be un heard of and it worked. This ad changed the way that people look at ads for the rest of their lives. My grandfather has talked to me before about this ad and told me about it when he first saw it. He was one of those people that always wanted to try something new, but when he bought it everyone game him a lot of crap for it being German. This ad was the start of the small car coming to the United States and it just blew up from then of forward.
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